Institutional Review Board

The BayCare Institutional Review Board (BCHS IRB) is a federally regulated entity with the authority to review biomedical and behavioral research studies that take place within or under the authority of BayCare Health System. The purpose of review is to determine if the proposed research meets certain established regulatory, policy, and ethical principles to protect the rights and welfare of the human subjects in research.

This page is designed for researchers and their teams to get key information, schedules, forms and policies related to the BayCare IRB.

IRB Mission

The BCHS IRB is appointed to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects and support the institution's research mission. By requiring local review the Federal Government requires local responsibility that is both institutional and personal.

Researchers must respect and protect the rights and welfare of individuals recruited for, or participating in, research conducted by or under the protections of the Institution. By institution is meant any entity that is authorized by the Federal Government to conduct research. The IRB is established to be the agency within the institution that reviews and approves research involving humans. The IRB’s actions are guided by the following:

  • To promote and protect the rights and welfare of human research participants
  • To enable excellence in human research by providing timely and exceptional review of human research
  • To provide professional guidance and support to our research community
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